What happens if I change my Octopus tariff?

What happens if I change my Octopus tariff?

When users set up their account and onboard in the mobile app OR web app, they need to provide details of their tariff (give API key and account number). This is how we know your tariff and its nuances.  

If you change tariff then you generally won’t get a new account number or API key so users do not need to go and input new tariff data. A short-term goal is that we will refresh the API on a regular basis so when your tariff changes, we will get the latest data automatically. However, this is not yet implemented. 

Therefore, assuming the user changed tariff but API key stayed the same, customers will need to update this in the app via a bit of a ‘workaround’ >   

  1. User should go into their Hub:One app and re-save their curretn Octopus API key 

  1.  When they do this, it will trigger a manual 're-pull' of their Octopus tariff data (as we are not automatically refreshing this connection, e.g. at intervals) 

  1.  Subsequently their export tariff data will be drawn, it will feed AEM, and in theory...things should pick up again, and schedules will start to be created.