Does Hub:One take in to account weather forecasting when optimising a home's energy?

Does Hub:One take in to account weather forecasting when optimising a home's energy?

Yes, Hub:One intelligently integrates weather forecasts into its energy management strategy, enabling it to automatically plan and adjust its energy automations hourly. 

This feature, currently under development with a release scheduled for Q1 2025, aims to optimise solar generation and energy use in your home with precision.

By analysing real-time weather data and forecasts, Hub:One predicts solar generation potential and adjusts its strategy to ensure your home operates efficiently. This could include:

  • Storing more off-peak energy overnight: This ensures that your home remains powered locally even when solar generation is predicted to be low due to adverse weather conditions.
  • Prioritising battery charging during sunny periods: Before expected cloudy intervals, Hub:One focuses on harnessing solar energy to keep your battery charged and ready.
  • Adjusting energy sale back to the grid: Depending on the forecasted weather, Hub:One may reduce the amount of energy reserved for selling back to the grid during peak demand times, prioritising your home's energy needs.

We understand that these automated decisions, while optimal, may not always be apparent to the user. Therefore, Hub:One will provide notifications explaining these actions, ensuring you are informed about how weather conditions influence your home's energy efficiency.

This approach not only enhances energy efficiency and savings but also promotes environmental sustainability by maximising the use of renewable energy sources. Rest assured, users will have the ability to monitor and, if necessary, manually adjust Hub:One's automated decisions through our user-friendly interface, offering both insight and control over your home energy management.

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