Does Hub:One support AC batteries?

Does Hub:One support AC batteries?

Currently, Hub:One does not support AC batteries, but we are planning to integrate them into our platform in the future, as shown in our Integration Page.

There are a couple reasons as to why we've placed AC Battery integrations in a lower prioirty to Hybrid Inverter:
  1. Lower Demand: The demand for AC batteries in the UK market is comparatively less than for other energy storage solutions. This has influenced our priority in integration efforts.
  2. Technical Complexity: AC batteries often require an additional inverter to convert their output to a usable form. This adds complexity to the integration process, as it necessitates additional hardware and software adjustments to ensure compatibility and efficient operation within our ecosystem.

We will have a clearer view of the integration timeline after we have completed the initial phase of work on the first AC batteries scheduled for integration. 
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